1. 每个单位报送作品数量10部以内。请认真填写报名信息,点击“添加作品”可上传多个作品。请将视频作品命名为“孔子学院(课堂)名称+作品名称+作者姓名”上传。
2. 作品形态不限,鼓励创新。纪录片、脱口秀、人物访谈、Vlog或其他创意形式,专业摄制或手机拍摄均可,时长10分钟以内。
3. 作品语种不限。配音、字幕至少其中一种语言为中文,建议外挂中外双语字幕。
4. 请确保作品画面清晰。视频格式为MP4、MOV,建议分辨率为1280*720或以上,以1920×1080像素为佳,帧速率25帧以上。不添加角标、LOGO。
5. 作品需为本次活动原创,不得使用参与其他活动的作品进行投稿。不得侵犯任何第三方的知识产权,未在报纸、杂志、网站、社交媒体等平台公开发表。不得涉及暴力、色情、种族歧视等内容。
1. 参与活动,即视为自愿将作品著作权转让给主办方,并允许主办方进行转授权,包括但不限于以下权利:(1)复制权;(2)汇编权(视频的部分或全部);(3)翻译权;(4)印刷版和电子版的复制权;(5)网络传播权;(6)发行权。
2. 参加人员须保证投稿作品的署名权无争议。若发生署名权争议问题,一切责任由其本人承担。
3. 如发现作品涉嫌抄袭、盗用版权等情况,一律取消参加资格、追回奖励,并由其本人承担一切相关法律责任。
4. 中国国际中文教育基金会对本次活动拥有最终解释权。
电 话:86-010-63240632、63240686
邮 箱:zui@cief.org.cn
Submission Requirements
(1). Each institution can submit up to 10 works. Please fulfill the registration form blow earnestly, click "Add program" to upload multiple programs. The video should be named in this way: Name of the Confucius Institute (Confucius Classroom) – author name of the video work – author name of the author.
(2). There are no restrictions on the format of the works, and we welcome creative ideas. The works can take various forms, such as documentaries, talk shows, interviews, vlogs, or any other creative formats. Both professional filming and mobile shooting are acceptable, and the duration of the videos should fall within the range of 1 to 10 minutes.
(3). There are also no restrictions on the language of submissions. It is required to include Chinese as one of the languages for dubbing and subtitles, and we recommend providing external subtitles, both in Chinese and any other languages used.
(4). Ensure your visuals are clear. The preferred video format is MP4 or MOV, a resolution of 1280*720 or above, preferably 1920*1080 pixels, and a frame rate of over 25 frames per second. Do not add watermarks or logos to your submissions.
(5). All entries must be original creations specifically made for this event. They should not include works previously submitted to other events, infringe upon any third-party intellectual property rights, or have been publicly published in newspapers, magazines, websites, social media, etc. Content must adhere to guidelines prohibiting violence, pornography, racial discrimination, or other inappropriate material.
Note: The deadline for submission is July 28, 2024 (Beijing time) .
Additional Notes
(1) Participation in the event implies voluntary transfer of the copyright of the submitted works to the organizer, endowing the organizer with rights to further sublicense, including but not limited to the following rights:(1) The right of reproduction;(2) The right of compilation (part or all of the video);(3) The right of translation;(4) The right to reproduce printed and digital editions of the works;(5) The right of dissemination on the Internet;(6) The right of distribution.
(2) Participants must ensure that there are no disputes regarding the authorship of the submitted works. In the event of any dispute, the individual submitting the work will bear full responsibilities.
(3) If any work is found to be suspected of plagiarism, copyright infringement, or any other form of misconduct, the submission will be disqualified, rewards will be revoked, and the individual will be held liable for any legal responsibilities.
(4) Chinese International Education Foundation (CIEF) reserves the right of final interpretation of the event.
Contact Ms. Lei for more information, and Ms. Li for technical inquiries.
Tel: 86-010-63240632、63240686
Email: zui@cief.org.cn